
We are all unique. Your childhood experiences were different than your best friend, your job duties are different, your family situations are different, and so on. It turns out we aren’t all the same, that’s why estate planning is an individualized process and can’t be accomplished with the standardized DIY tools found on the internet.

You may be single, married, have children or not. The one common denominator is that you truly and deeply care about the people in your life and you want to make things as easy as possible for them, if and when something happens to you.

Your wealth isn’t measured just by the dollars in the bank, but by the well-being of the people you love. 

To read up on the specifics of estate planning based on your situation, check out our detailed service listings here. 

Estate Planning

Wills & Trusts - We do more than just prepare documents.

Incapacity Planning

Every adult needs to plan for incapacity (even if you're young and healthy! We never know what tomorrow might change regarding our health).

Kids Protection Plan

Naming a guardian for your kids is not enough to protect your kids. Learn more about our Kids Protection Plan.

Trust administration

If you are named as the successor trustee of a trust after someone passes, we can assist you with the trust administration.

* We don't represent beneficiaries in trust administration or handle trust litigation.

Schedule Your Life & Legacy Planning Session Now

The best way to get started is with a Life & Legacy Planning Session. During this personalized meeting, we’ll review your situation and design an estate plan that protects your loved ones, minimizes probate, and provides peace of mind.
